18 Tips for Leveling in Northrend in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

18 Tips for Leveling in Northrend in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

The insanely popular World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion came out in 2008. Here we are, 14 years later, getting ready for WotLK Classic. Many of you have been there, done that already. Why would you bother reading tips? Because Wrath Classic has some changes. We can now benefit from resources we…

Classic WoW Vendors With Limited Supply Items

This is a part of our Classic WoW Gold Farming Guide. Below is a list of vendors with limited supply items that you can resell on the auction house. Alterac Mountains – Horde – Bro’kin – Recipe: Frost Oil Alterac Mountains – Neutral – Zan Shivsproket – Schematic: Gnomish Cloaking Device Arathi Highlands – Alliance…

Wow Classic Gold Farming Guide Header Image

WoW Classic Gold Farming Guide – The Best 100+ Gold Making Tips For WoW Classic

Making gold in Classic WoW is a lot different from retail WoW. We are not talking about making millions of gold anymore, and that’s what makes it fun in my eyes. Gold is much harder to come by, and more fun to farm as you have to have some skill. In this guide, we will…


WoW Classic Leveling Guide – Level to 60 Fast

Welcome to MMORPGTIPS’ Classic WoW Leveling guide. Filled with all the tips and tricks you need to level from 1 to 60 in vanilla WoW. No matter if your choice is questing, grinding or running dungeons, we got you covered. If you want to make some gold while leveling, check out our WoW Classic Gold…