EQ2 Deity Guide

Everquest 2 Guide : Deity Guide (Choices for all classes)

Everquest 2 has a large selection of Deities (Gods) to choose from. These deity’s can give you powerful blessings and miracles that can aid you in battle. So choosing the right deity for your class / playstyle is very important. If you chose a deity without knowing anything about them first, you might end up with a deity that has no blessings or miracles can help you out.

Anashti Sul

Classes: Decent Choice for Shadowknights.

Anashti Sul also called Forgotten Goddess, was first banished from Norrath after introducing Undeath to Norrath. However she returned and now considers herself the Goddess of Life and Death.


Blessing Name



Power From Beyond750Improves spell and combat art damage by 10%
Stench of Decay875Reduces all incoming noxious damage by 10%
Undying Hatred1000Transfers 15% of group’s hatred to caster (10 mins)
Hand of Death1125On any successful attack, inflict 454 disease damage
Crippling Blow1250On any successful attack where the target is under 20% health, inflicts 817 disease damage


Miracle Name



Six Feet Under1125Debuff that procs damage on a target mob when it takes damage (amount depends on creature strength and health)
Spirit Siphon131230s duration, single target debuff that returns a portion of your damage as health and power
Deadly Rampage150015s duration, 20 trigger, 800ish damage reactive shield
Angel of Death1687Summons a Limited Pet to aid the caster (30s duration)
Undying Fury187525s buff, increases spell/melee crit by 25, 20% primary weapon flurry, spell double attack by 33


Classes: Decent choice for Shadowknights. Excellent choice for Warlocks and Necromancers.

Also known as the Plaguebringer, Bertoxxulous is the god of death and decay. He rules over the Plane of Disease and his followers are granted powerful disease based Blessings and Miracles.  He is a very good deity choice for evil spellcasters.


Blessing Name



Grim Aura750Increases all melee and spell damage by 12.5% for 10 minutes
Walking Blight875Envelopes follower in a shield of disease that causes anything striking the follower to fall ill, harming them for a short duration. Once the Blight wears off, all damage done to the enemy target is returned to the follower as health.
Pus Bolt1000Inflicts 4937 disease damage, decreases threat priority by 2, decreases hate gain by 25% for 10 minutes.
Diffusion1125On a successful spell attack, casts Healing Diffusion on target of the spell, lasts for 10 minutes. While this buff is active, the next damage spell cast by the follower that successfully lands on a target will grant the follower a buff that increases all healing by 5% of the damage dealt to that target. Grants a total of 1 trigger of this spell.
Touch of Decay1250Increases the damage of all disease based spells by 50% for 10 minutes.


Miracle Name



Seething Infection1125Stifles target for 12 seconds, decreases attack speed by 50 and effectiveness of worn armor by 35% vs disease for 30 seconds.
Call of the Plaugebringer1312Cancels up to 25% of target speed buffs, decreases effectiveness of worn armor vs physical for 30 seconds.
Rotting Army1500Summons 6 limited pets to aid the caster for 30 seconds.
Bertoxxulous’ Curse1687Shapechanges caster, increases all spell damage by 50%, increases the caster’s effectiveness of worn armor vs disease damage by 15% for 1 minute.
Pox of Bertoxxulous1875Inflicts 633-754 disease damage, inflicts 545 to 666 disease damage every 12 seconds, heals caster for 157, heals caster for 69 every 12 seconds, increases power of caster by 69 instantly and every 12 seconds, decreases target’s effectiveness of worn armor vs disease by 15% for 2 minutes.

Brell Serilis

Classes : All around good deity for any class. Only one that benefits crafting classes.

Brell Serilis is the lord of the Plane of Underfoot. Almost all who lives under the surface of Norrath call him their creator, most of all the Dwarves.


Blessing Name



Patience of the Smith


increase crafting skill (15) and success crit chance (5%)

Stature of Serilis


buff against physical, heat and cold (1050) – shrinks caster 50%

Earth’s Vigil


increase out of combat health/power regen (15) and max health/power (750)

Pick of the Duke


Summons a pet (raise mining skill by 25)

Brell’s Hammer


Summons 2 Brell’s Hammer


Miracle Name



Rift from Below


AE damage + AE DOT + Knockback

Brell’s Favor


increases progress and durability by 4500



Stuns target (3s for Epics), Inflicts 6100-7455 divine damage

Armies of the Underfoot


Summons a limited pet to aid the caster (x7)

Protection of Brell


physical damage mitigation buff and groupheal (30% of maxhealth)


Classes: Arguably the best choice for all Scouts and a decent choice for Bruisers and Monks.

Bristlebane the King of Thieves is the lord of the Plane of Mischief and is therefor quite obviously the way to go for Scout classes.


Blessing Name



Grin of the Trickster750Increases the Crushing, Slashing, and Piercing skill of the caster, and gives the caster a 35% chance to make an additional attempt to avoid a melee attack.
Bristlebane’s Hymn875Increases DPS mod and runspeed of caster.
Rogue’s Folly1000Increase attack speed and lower physical mitigation of caster.
Mischief Maker1125Dispels Stun, Mesmerize, Root, Fear, Stifle, and Daze effects on caster, and makes caster immune to those effects for 1 minute.
Deck of the King’s Court1250Summons one card from the Deck of the King’s Court.


Miracle Name



Anvils of Fizzlethorpe1125Summons and drops anvils on the heads of up to 8 foes within 4 meters, stunning them for 30 seconds or until damaged.
See No Evil1312Increases melee and ranged crit chances of caster, decreases threat to targets in area of effect, and shapechanges caster.
Mini Militia1500Summons a five goblin army to aid the caster
Disappearing Act1687Causes your group to go stealth for 30 seconds, and makes creatures forget about your previous actions.
Swindle Fate1875All damage that would normally kill the player is ignored for 15 seconds.


Classes : Good choice for Necromancers and other evil spellcasters.

Cazic-Thule also known as the Faceless  is the god of fear and lord of the Plane of Fear.


Blessing Name



Terror of the Fear-Servant750Chance of Fear Proc
Thule’s Blessing875Mental Spell buff, dam & duration increase by 25%
Servant of Fear1000Summons pet Servant of Fear
Spines of Thule1125On melee dmg chance of fear and poison proc
Fear’s Grasp1250Charms target


Miracle Name



Id’s Release1125Fears target
Thule’s Fear Mastery1312Caster immune to Fear
Amygdalan Assault1500Summons a limited pet to aid caster
Terror Link168710 minute buff, when caster damages target, fears target
Cazic’s Will1875Debuff and Fear causing heavy mental dmg on termination


Classes: Good for most evil characters. Especially good for Shadowknights and Casters.

Innoruuk is also known as the Prince of Hate and rules the Plane of Hate. His followers believe in the  power of hate and that it could destroy Norrath entirely.


Blessing Name



Seething Hatred750Reduces reuse timer on taunt spells by 25%
Minions of Evil875Summons a pet minion
Malice of the Dark God1000On a successful attack this spell will cast Malice (Increases threat to target by 100)
Dark Whispers1125Increases the dmg, heal, and duration of all spells by 10%
Strife’s Curse1250On a successful hostile spell this spell will cast Strife’s Drain on target of spell (Decreases power of target by 215, Increases power of caster by 178)


Miracle Name



Tendrils of Hate1125Summons a limited pet
Lure of Innoruuk1312Charms target. Applies Innoruuk’s Hate on termination. (Inflicts 4298-6447 heat damage on target encounter. -Decreases power of target encounter by 430-645)
Malevolent Wail1500Mesmerizes target. Applies Rupture on termination. (Inflicts 5587-8381 heat damage on target. -Decreases power of target by 1289-1934)
Vengeance’s Decree1687When target dies this spell will cast Seething Vengeance on caster (buff)
Maestro’s Song1875Inflicts 2149-3223 divine damage on target. Inflicts 860-1289 divine damage on target every 2 seconds. Heals group members for 712-1068. Heals group members for 356-534 every 2 seconds


Classes: Maybe the best choice for Druids and most healers with melee capabilities.

Karana, also kalled the Rainkeeper is the ruler of the Plane of Storms. His followers believe in the power of Storms and the life giving powers of the rain.


Blessing Name



Blessing of Shelter750+514 mit against all physical damage. 10 min duration
Blessing of Serenity875+255 power/+925 health regen per tick. 10 min duration.
Blessing of the Storm1000(melee only) stun plus Wind Gust proc of 600-800 magic damage. 10 min duration.
Blessing of the Glade1125+25% heal crit chance. 1 hour duration.
Blessing of the Tempest12505% chance of double attack on ranged targets, +20 DPS. 1 hour duration.


Miracle Name



Shroud of Clouds1125Decrease hate gain by 25%, caster will dodge 25% of all attacks, +5% spell damage.
Unyielding Ice Storm1312AE decrease of attack speed by 15, 50% slow, AE decrease of cold damage mitigation by 180, 319-382 AE cold damage plus 282-345 damage per tick for 45 sec.
Baleful Storm1500Fury of the Storm. EPIC AE stun and KB plus 664-1929 damage. Stuns caster.
Tempest1687Immunity to stun/stifle/mez/root/fear/daze plus 50% melee crit chance.
Breath of Karana1875Resurrects all deceased party members within 25 meter radius with 15% health/power (max targets: 6)

Mithaniel Marr

Classes: Very good choice for all good fighters. In my opinion the best choice for Paladins.

Mithaniel Marr, the Truthbringer is the God of Valor and is the ruler of the Plane of Valor. He is a Paladin himself and his followers are always good and seek to do good at all times.


Blessing Name



Valor of Marr750Increase parry and damage proc
Glorious Steed875Summon Mount (55% speed), parry increase and dps buff
Pious Patience100025% increase for all Divine Healing spells but 15% longer cast
Marr’s Perseverance1125Increase max health (500)
Mark of Mithaniel1250Damage interception


Miracle Name



Truthbringer1125Buff (wis, hate gain, melee crit, dps)
Sacrifice of Marr1312Heal (75% of max health) and damage shield
Honor’s Call1500Summon pet, group heal and aoe stun
Valorous Service1687Ward (5000), intercept and group heal
Marr’s Barrier1875Damage shield (self) 10 times


Classes: Excellent choice for Monks , Illusionists and Enchanters. Also good for Scouts and classes that need hate reduction.

Quellious is the Goddess of Tranquility and rules over the Plane of Tranquility. Her followers seek inner peace and enlightenment.


Blessing Name



Pacification750Mental spell buff (15% longer, 15% harder resist)
Passive Assault875hate reduction (15%)
Teachings of Quellious1000power increase (500)
Pensive Preoccupation1125debuff proc chance
Voice of Quellious1250all spells cost 15% less


Miracle Name



Quellious’ Will1125Mez (for Epic targets 30s) and debuff on termination
Quelled Rage1312wipes hate from target
Shield of the Tranquil1500power regen (100), spellshield (breaks on spellcast)
Aura of Tranquility1687awareness of other encounters calling for help
Tranquil Trance1875Stuns and stifles caster. Increases power of group members by 5%

Rallos Zek

Classes: The best choice for fighters and especially tanks (Shadowknights, Guardians). And also a very good choice for Scouts.

Rallos Zek, the Warlord is the lord of war and battle. Almost everyone that follow Rallos Zek are warriors, fighters and the like.


Blessing Name



Zek’s Rending750Combat Reuse Timers -10%, dmg +10%
Battle Chaos875Scaled “Offense Stance” like buff, (+STA/STR, +C/P/S, -def)
War’s Enlightenment1000On death blow, chance of 1min battle buff.
Tactical Formation1125Hate gain +10%. AE group hate gain -5%. -defense of caster. AE group +defense
Battlerage1250melee crit +10%. DPS +15.


Miracle Name



Retribution of Rallos11251 trigger of “on death, 25% heal, massive DD retort”
Tactical Retreat1312instant group evac
Battlegod’s Furor1500melee battle buff, size boost, health based divine nuke at end of effect
Rallos’ Devastation1687massive AOE divine nuke
War’s Aftermath18755 trigger massive divine dd damage shield

Rodcet Nife

Classes: Rodcet Nife is the best choice for all good aligned healers. Especially good choice for Templars.

Rodcet Nife, the Prime Healer and his followers constantly battle disease and death. They believe in the power of healing and that the whole universe can be healed and that doing so death will no longer exist.


Blessing Name



Healing Prayers750Increases power of heals and wards
Arcane Soothing875Reduces Arcana damage done to caster
Soothing Thoughts1000Has a chance to reduce threat priority on successful attack
Tranquil Blessing1125Increase reuse speed of beneficial spells
Gift of Devotion1250Heal on self if you fall below 30% health


Miracle Name



Ward of Devotion112530% chance to absorb attacks
Empowered Prayer1312Heal spells cast will convert to additional power
Devout Healing1500Reactive heal, on a single target, that heals your group when damaged
Soothing Spirit1687Summons a limited pet to aid the caster
Armor of Faith1875Increases base heal amount, shield effectiveness and reduces critical damage

Solusek Ro

Classes: Very good choice for Wizards and Warlocks and most other DPS classes.

Solusek Ro also known as the Burning Prince is the lord of the Plane of the Sun. His followers believe in the power of fire and flames.


Blessing Name



Servant of Flame750Summon an attacking pet imp
Solusek’s Gift875Heat based spells are 50% harder for your enemies to resist
Blessing of Solusek1000Increases heat mitigation, and if you take heat damage, heals you
Ro’s Fury1125On a successful hostile spell, inflicts extra heat damage on target
Inferno’s Glory1250Damage of all heat-based spells is increased by 10% and the power cost decreased by 10%


Miracle Name



Wrath of the Burning Prince1125Summons a pet imp to attack
Solusek’s Soothing Scorch1312Successful hostile spell heals health and power
Spear of the Sun1500Summons an attacking pet that reduces the casting time, recast time, and power cost of heat-based spells.
Incinerate1687Inflicts massive heat damage on target if it is under 50% health
Sun Sphere1875Summons a limited pet that lasts for 24 seconds and does high damage

The Tribunal

Classes: Along with Rallos Zek, the Tribunal is a very good choice for Fighters and Scouts, especially tanking classes.

The Tribunal is not actually one being but six. A council of sorts The Tribunal is the God of Justice.


Blessing Name



Unquestioned Oath750Increases AGI, STA, WIS, INT, STR by 52.
Virtue of the Six875Improves reuse speed (combat) by 10%, reduces cast time by 12.5%.
Inquiry1000When target is damaged increases AOE threat by 10%, increase hate gain by 26%.
Law and Order1125Increases in-combat health regeneration per tick of caster by 307. Increases mitigation vs. all physical damage by 406.
Scales of Justice125020% of all damage received is converted into health.


Miracle Name



Perjury1125Converts 30% of all damage received into power damage.
Vigilante Justice1312Increases damage per second of caster by 40. Casts Word of the Tribunal, inflicting 124 divine damage.
Word of the Magistrate1500When target is damaged in melee combat will cast Word of the Tribunal, inflicting 124 divine damage. Increases hate to 100%, increase mitigation versus magic damage by 1352.
Hammer of Justice1687Summons a limited pet aid.
Final Judgment1875Applies final judgment immunity, lasts for 30 seconds. Inflicts magic damage to target equal to 50% of the health of the caster — damage cannot exceed more than 50% of target’s total health. Must be hated by current target.


Classes: Excellent choice for all healers.especially Fury, Warden, Templar and Mystic. Good choice for Paladins and Rangers.

Tunare is the Goddess of Growth and is known as the mother of all. She is the ruler of the Plane of Growth and her followers worship every living thing.


Blessing Name



Nature’s Caress750Improves all Healing spells
Earthmother’s Aegis875Reactive Heal vs Spells, plus a Mitigation buff
Forest Spirit1000Pet Summon, plus a Group Reactive Heal
Trueshot1125Improves Ranged Skill and Crit Chance, plus summons ammo
Tunare’s Behest1250Summons a pet


Miracle Name



Life’s Restoration1125Deals Heat damage to Undead
Blessing of Tunare1312Improves all Healing spells
Grove’s Entanglement1500AE root, stifle, snare and Mitigation debuff
Growth’s Replenishment1687Group Heal Over Time
Tunare’s Lifeshield1875Mirrors spells and wards vs. physical damage

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