Everquest 2 Guide : Deity Guide (Choices for all classes)

Everquest 2 Guide : Deity Guide (Choices for all classes)

Everquest 2 has a large selection of Deities (Gods) to choose from. These deity’s can give you powerful blessings and miracles that can aid you in battle. So choosing the right deity for your class / playstyle is very important. If you chose a deity without knowing anything about them first, you might end up…

Everquest Leveling Guide 1 – 120

Everquest Leveling Guide 1 – 120

Welcome to our comprehensive EverQuest Leveling Guide! This guide will help you progress smoothly from level 1 to 120, ensuring an enjoyable and efficient gaming experience. We’ve broken down the journey into specific level ranges, which will be covered in each section. General Tips: Hotzones: Accelerate Your Leveling Hotzones are zones in EverQuest that have…