The Best Soloing Classes in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

The Best Soloing Classes in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Navigating Azeroth and the Dragon Isles solo can be challenging, but picking the right class can make a world of difference. Thankfully all the classes can solo most content just fine. Here’s an in-depth look at seven classes, along with the best spec for soloing, and their respective pros and cons. 7. Death Knight –…

WoW Leveling Guide

World of Warcraft Shadowlands Leveling Guide – Level 1-60 Fast

General WoW Leveling Tips Bonus XP Guilds Professions Addons Leveling 1-50 Leveling 50-60 Leveling Alts Welcome to our World of Warcraft leveling guide, updated in 2020 for Shadowlands.  This WoW leveling guide will show you how to level as quickly as possible from level 1 to 60. Leveling changed a lot with the release of…

Movement Speed Guide – Get Over 200% Speed In Shadowlands

Movement Speed Guide – Get Over 200% Speed In Shadowlands

So you want to increase your speed in Shadowlands? Speed is pure fun in WoW, especially when farming old content like dungeons or raids for mounts or transmog. It’s fun to just zoom through the zone, killing and looting everything in your way. Combine this guide with our WoW Gold Farming Guide to make tons…