The Ultimate Dragonflight Gold Farming Guide
- Gold Farming Tips
- Gold Farming Addons
- Raw Gold Farming
- Transmog Gold Farming
- Open World Gold Farms
- Class Specific Farms
- Other Gold Making Methods
- Auction House / Flipping / Investing
- Professions for Gold Making
Looking for the best ways to farm gold in World of Warcraft Dragonflight?
Look no further, this is your definitive WoW gold farming guide!
This WoW gold guide is a constant work in progress and will be continuously updated with all the best ways to hit the WoW gold cap.
Head over to our WoW Classic Gold Farming Guide for tips on how to make gold in WoW Classic.
Trending Gold Farming Methods in Dragonflight
- Utilize the 4×2 or 2×4 farming method: This means having two groups of four players each, farming together. This method is faster and more efficient in terms of spawning rare items and mob.
- Fishing: Fishing can be a simple and effective way to make gold in Dragonflight. It only requires pressing two buttons, or even one button with the betterfishing addon.
- Focus on gathering professions: Professions like Herbalism and Mining can be lucrative in Dragonflight. Make sure to level up your skills and use abilities like Mastering the Elements to gain more Essences and maximize your gathering efficiency.
- Utilize Alchemy: Alchemy can be a profitable profession in Dragonflight if you know the right recipes and strategies to maximize your gold-making potential.
- Multiboxing for gathering: Some players use multiboxing to gather resources more efficiently by controlling multiple characters simultaneously. This can be helpful for gathering region-wide herbs or other valuable resources .
Gold Farming Tips
Making a Gold Farming toon
You might be thinking that you don’t need a designated gold farming character. But there are things you can do to make your toon more efficient at farming gold, like picking the right class, having a movement speed set, and a personal guild for storage.
Best Gold Farming Classes
Some classes are better at gold farming than others. Below is a list of the best classes for farming gold.
- Druid – Druids are a popular class for gold farmers due to the instant cast of Travel form which is very nice for gathering, Tauren also have faster herb gathering. Druids are also decent at AoE farming and can build very fast speed sets for transmog farming.
- Hunter – Hunters with a speed set can easily get over 200% movement speed, and are good for AoE farming.
- Warrior – Another fast class. Can tear through old content with a speed set and Whirlwind.
- Monk – Good class for AoE farming as well.
- Rogue – Rogues aren’t great at gold farming but having one for lockbox opening is still very nice if you farm a lot of transmog.
General Tips for Gold Making
When making a gold farming character, these are the most important points to remember.
- Bag space: Get the biggest bags you can for your inventory and for your bank.
- Personal Guild: Make a guild for just your character, so that you can use the guild bank for additional storage. The easiest way to do this is to ask in chat, and maybe pay a small fee to get people to sign your charter, then kick them from the guild.
- Bank Alts: If you need even more bag space, consider making a bank alt.
- Movement Speed: Movement speed is often overlooked when farming gold, but it is really important. Especially when farming older content. Most classes can clear any dungeon pretty easy but some do it faster. See our WoW Movement Speed Guide for info on how to spec for speed.
- Personal Vendor and Repair: Having a vendor you can summon in some sort of way is very useful when farming so that you can sell trash quickly. One of the easiest ways of getting both a vendor and a repair guy is getting the Reins of the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth, Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak, or Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur.
- Sky Golem – A must for serious non-druid gatherers, lets you pick herbs and mine without dismounting.
- Enchant Gloves – Shadowlands Gathering – Using this enchant will cut down the time it takes to gather in Shadowlands. Alternatively use Darkmoon Firewater (They don’t stack)
- Opening Lockboxes: During farming, you will be getting a lot of lockboxes as time goes by. If you don’t have a character that can open lockboxes, simply make a class trial rogue and mail all your lockboxes to him to open up.
- Potion of Treasure Finding: Can be used in Cataclysm zones for additional loot. Also works in dungeons and raids.
- Professions: Enchanting & Tailoring (for cloth scavenging) are great for farming old content and transmog. Skinning, Herbalism & Mining are good for making easy gold in current content. See the professions section further down for more info.
Picking a Realm for Gold Making
I won’t get too into what realms to pick for making gold. Generally, High Population servers have lower prices but things sell quicker.
Low population has higher prices but things can take a while to sell. Medium population servers are in between and are often a good choice for making gold.
Gold Farming Addons
When it comes to gold making addons, as most of you know, there is one that comes before all the rest, Tradeskill Master. This addon will help you make heaps of gold on the auctions house and will give you a deeper understanding of your servers economy and the whole WoW economy.
Learning how to use it well takes time, so read through all the info on their site and maybe watch some youtube videos on how to set up TSM. TSM will help you appraise items, sell items quickly on the AH and buy items that you can resell for a profit, amongst other things.
Additionally, the addon will help vendor and managing your mailbox, making this the only addon you need for gold making purposes.
We will be coming back to TSM in the Auction house part of the guide.
Loot Appraiser is a great addon that works with Tradeskill Master. Not only is it helpful but it makes gold farming more fun. Loot Appraiser will let you know how much gold you loot in a given session and also the value of all the items you loot.
Leatrix Plus
Leatrix is a great addon for many small quality of life improvements. My favorite is that it makes looting a lot faster so if you have auto loot on you just click a mob and it will loot almost instantly.
Gathermate2 + Gathermate2_data
I mostly use this to be able to see where chests spawn. If you combine this with an Outlaw Rogues ability to see treasures on the minimap, you can basically just fly around and pick up treasures.
Works well in Outland where every chest drops a rare item. See the Open World farming section further down for more info.
Allows for quick and easy selling of items that you want vendored.
You can mark items that you always want sold automatically when you visit a vendor.
Raw Gold Farming
If you don’t want to take any chances and just want raw WoW gold, this part is for you. Raw gold is the safest way to make a steady amount of gold, but won’t make you super rich quickly.
Players will benefit from having many alts when it comes to raw gold farming as the farms are often quick and can be repeated on all alts.
Command Table
You covenant Command Table is a good source of passive gold, so be sure to use it and level up your companions.
Not only do you get raw gold but also ores, leather, fish and gear that can be sold for gold.
Command Tables are especially good if you have alts, just park them next to the command table when you are’t using them and rake in passive gold.

Callings will reward you with vendor trash from the Tribute chests.
This trash is often worth upwards of 2000 gold so it is well worth it as you probably will want to do callings anyway for anima and reputation.
Transmog Farming For Gold
In this section of the WoW gold guide, we will be covering farming mostly older content for transmog and other items.
Most of the items you will be getting are transmog, but also recipes, crafting reagents, and pets.
The idea is simple; go out, kill things, take their loot, sell it. In this guide, we split farming into three parts, farming raids, dungeons, and open world.
An important aspect when selling transmog on the AH is that it often takes some time to sell. Therefore you will make more gold the more diverse your portfolio of items is.
If you only farm expansion for gear. Let’s say for example WotLK gear. You will be limiting yourself as the demand won’t be there and you will end up with too many items. You will end up with many of the same items for things that aren’t in demand but might sell occasionally.
This means that spreading out your farming across all expansions and dungeons is best, as you will get fewer of each item but more different items to meet the actual demand.
A good way to think about it is to each week go farm some vanilla, some TBC, some WotLK, etc. So that you end up with a whole bunch of different transmog, and increasing your chances of selling some of it, even though a lot will take time to sell or not sell at all.
6 Minute Runs
When farming legacy raids or dungeons, you want to always try to keep your runs 6 minutes or around there for optimal farming. This is because you can reset an instance 10 times per hour, so if you do a run every 6 minutes you can keep farming nonstop.
Having the Loot Appraiser addon is an easy way to time your runs.
A movement speed set will help you to get through long dungeons in 6 minutes or less.
How to Exit an Instance Quickly
To exit an instance quickly. Create a group in the Group Finder when you are finished in the instance, then leave the group. You will then be ported out of the instance after a minute.
When you got a dungeon down, you can make and leave the group around one minute before you reach the end of the dungeon and you won’t have to stand around and wait for 1 minute. This will teleport you to the nearest graveyard, on most dungeons this is right outside but on some, there is a bit of a run.
Druids can also use Dreamwalk and Monks can use Zen Pilgrimage at the end of the dungeon, reset the dungeon and port back.
Transmog Farming Macro
There’s only one macro I use when I am farming low level mobs for transmog.
/cast Multi-shot (or any class appropriate skill)
This will simply target mobs and quickly kill them.
Vanilla Dungeons
The bulk of dungeons you will be farming will probably be classic dungeons. These have the rarest items and the transmog from here sell far better than any other.
Below is a list of the Dungeons that can be worth farming.
- Blackrock Depths
- Maraudon
- Razorfen Kraul
- Diremaul North
- Diremaul West
- Strathholme Live
- Zul’farrak
- Dire Maul East
- Lower Blackrock Spire
- Blackfathom Deeps
- Razorfen Downs
- Sunken Temple
- Gnomeregan
- Uldaman
- Scarlet Monastery
- The Stockades
- Stratholme Dead Side
- Shadowfang Keep
- Scarlet Halls
- Scholomance
- Wailing Caverns
Wailing Caverns
Not a dungeon you want to start of farming in, but if you have a good selection of items on the auction house, WC is worth a visit.
You can either do half the dungeon up to Lord Cobrahn and then exit and reset. Or if you are very fast you can do the entire instance up until the last boss, but always skip the last boss.
Notable drops here are Gloves of the Fang and Ceremonial Leather Loincloth, that sells very well! Other than that, there you will get a lot of different mid-value green items.
Shadowfang Keep
Shadowfang is the twink dungeon. You can get a bunch of different valuable twink items here.
When soloing at a high level all items will be level 60, except for in chests. The items in the chests will be around level 20 and those are the ones with the most value.
A level 20 Shadowfang will be worth several times what a level 60 one is worth. Bringing a Rogue or someone who can open locked chests is therefore advised.

The big-ticket items in Shadowfang Keep are Shadowfang – Gloomshroud Armor – Assassin’s Blade – Mindthrust Bracer – Duskbringer – Necrology Robes – and a bunch of other minor rare items.
Blackfathom Deeps
Blackfathom Deeps is one of the best dungeons for filling up your auction house with valuable transmog.
A lot of the greens from here are quite valuable, and the zone has a ton of different rare zone drops as well, most which are worth 10-50k.
One important thing to remember is to not kill Domina, Subjugator Kor’ul or the Guardian of the Deep. If you don’t kill them and then click the Fire of Aku’mai after killing Twilight Lord Bathiel, you will spawn a bunch of additional mobs. After killing these mobs you can exit the dungeon.
Gnomeregan is only really worth farming gold in for a couple of really high-value twink items. The Hotshot Pilot’s Gloves and the Caverndeep Trudges.
These are zone drops but has a slightly higher drop chance from bosses, so you want to kill all the bosses as fast as possible.
There is also some more zone wide rare drops that are worth a bit here, but nothing that comes close to those two items.
Razorfen Kraul
Razorfen Kraul is one of the best zones to fill up your auction house with good transmog.
It has a big selection of zone-wide rare BoE drops, great green drops, and a guaranteed chance for a rare BoE from the Enormous Bullfrog. The frog drops a selection of around 30 rare BoEs, most worth around 1-3k. After killing him, there is only one group after that you should kill and then you can leave the instance.
When you get to the bat room, create a group in the group finder, and leave it. This will give you one minute to kill the frog boss and you will be ported out, right outside the instance.
Razorfen Downs
This dungeon also has a great loot table. You won’t get as many items as in Razorfen Kraul, but you have a chance at super rare items like the Pattern: Rich Purple Silk Shirt.
RFD is also very fast to run and it’s easy to circle back to the entrance to restart. Using a Rogue or someone who can open chests can be smart here as there are quite a few.
Dire Maul
The Gordok Commons is good to get a few copies of A Thoroughly Read Copy of “Nat Pagle’s Guide to Extreme Anglin’.” that spawns on the floor every time, but still sells for 5-10k to lazy paladins.
The Warpwood Quarter is also good for transmog and will drop a decent amount of materials with some value that will sell quickly, click the pods on the floor for more stuff.

Uldaman is one of those dungeons you want to hit up after building up a decent inventory on the AH. You won’t see many items of value here, but if you like playing the lottery, then Uldaman is for you.
Some of the rarest items in the game drop from here including the Papal Fez, Pendulum of Doom, Miner’s Hat of the Deep, and the Jackhammer. All of these are worth millions of gold. More common drops like the Ginn-Su Sword are also worth a bit.
The chest after the last boss has a chance at up to three greens and sometimes rares. There are also two other chests marked below.

ZF is another great dungeon to fill up your AH. A lot of popular transmog items drop here, like the Jade set and Glorious set. With the jackpot being the Glorious Legplates.
You can run the dungeon clockwise or counterclockwise, a bit depending on your speed. I manage to do the whole dungeon in 6 minutes and get outside. But if you are a bit slower it might be better to run it clockwise and port out after the room with the graves and zombies. Always remember to click all the graves for loot.
Maraudon is the best vanilla dungeons to farm to fill up your Auction House. It has a wide variety of drops and you will get a bunch of herbs that will make you money fast in addition to the transmog.
Run the dungeon from one entrance to the other and it should take you around 6 minutes, then reset and run back the other way.
Blackrock Depths
BRD has a good loot table and maybe the most amount of mobs in any dungeon, making it a great dungeon to fill up the AH.
Finding the best route for you can be a bit tricky because of the size of the dungeon. I will usually only do about half the dungeon, killing as many mobs as I can in 6 minutes. After 5 minutes, make a group in the group finder and leave it. That will leave you a minute to complete your 6 minutes and you will be ported out on the 6-minute mark, ready to reset and port right back in.
Lower Blackrock Spire
In LBRS you are after two things. Plans: Arcanite Champion from the last boss and Plans: Arcanite Reaper from a rare mob called Bannok Grimaxe.
Transmog drops here are also decent, and the whole instance can be run in 6 minutes or less if you are fast. There are also quite a few chests in the instance.
The Burning Crusade Dungeons
TBC transmog is nowhere near as good as vanilla, but you should still farm some to diversify your auction house portfolio at some point. Some of it is still pretty valuable and sells pretty quick. I usually only farm TBC dungeons for a few hours a week. Rare patterns and plans can also drop in TBC dungeons that are worth a lot of gold.
Sethekk Halls
This is a really fast dungeon with a bunch of mobs. You can circle right back to the entrance after the last boss. You will spend a lot less than an hour to do your 10 runs here though, so I would do 10 runs then move on.
Also a quick dungeon with a path back to the entrance after the last boss. Lies right next to the Sethekk Halls so you can switch between the two.
The Mechanar
One of the best dungeons to farm for some quick and easy TBC era transmog and patterns.
The Underbog
The Underbog is another good and quick choice. You will get a lot of Mote of Life and various herbs. There are also gatherable herbs for chars with Herbalism
Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons
Like with TBC, you want to limit the time you spend in WotLK dungeons. There are some nice items to be had but you won’t be making as much as farming vanilla dungeons.
Not many people farm WotLK content though so you won’t have as much competition on a lot of items from here.
Drak’Tharon Keep
Quick path back to the entrance after the last boss. Some decent zone drops like Brighthelm of Guarding. But most of the value is going to come from uncommon transmog. Even better if you can bring a skinner.
Enter through either of the entrances. Run the dungeon in a U shape and exit through the other entrance. Skip the last boss.
Halls of Lightning
Also has a quick way back to the entrance after the last boss. Relic of Ulduar drops a lot and will sell relatively quick most of the time.
Pit of Saron
You will only be farming this dungeon for the Battered Hilt. The transmog in here is terrible. The drop chance for the hilt is pretty low but because of the number of mobs in the Pit of Saron, it is not that hard to get. I seem to get one in about every 20 runs.
Always farm here on heroic so don’t kill any of the bosses. Kill all the mobs around the pit, head out and reset.
Cataclysm Dungeons
For all Cata dungeons remember to get your Potion of Treasure Finding. Generally, Cata dungeons aren’t worth farming much though and you should head to Firelands(see raid section below) instead.
The Vortex Pinnacle
The decent farm only if you can get good prices on Volatile Air. Slipstream will take you back to the entrance after the last boss.
Farming Legacy Raids for Gold
Below is a list of what I think are the best raids to farm for gold. This is mainly taking transmog and crafting reagents and such into account.
Other raids can be farmed for rare pets to make gold, see the pet farming section further down for more info.
Molten Core
The first raid of WoW is still a decent gold maker. The trash in the area marked on the map below can be farmed, just avoid the bosses and you’ll be able to reset the instance. This area is especially good for miners as you can mine Dark Iron Ore and Blood of the Mountain, which sells for a decent amount.
You can also get Teebu’s Blazing Longsword from some of the mobs, although it’s really rare.
After you finish your last trash mob-run, you can do a whole run for a chance at pets from bosses and two rare quality BoE items from Ragnaros.

Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
AQ20 is a really nice transmog farm. The worms called Silicate Feeder are actually the mobs with the best loot in the raids so be sure to loot them. They are found between the 3rd and 4th boss. Be sure not to kill ANY of the mobs in the room with the 2nd boss as that will start the encounter for the boss.
You can go through the whole instance without killing any bosses, so you can choose to run the entire raid or exit after killing the worms by creating a group in the group finder and leaving it.

Sunwell Plateau
There are a whole bunch of trash mobs that can be farmed in Sunwell Plateau before the first boss. These have a chance to drop a huge variety of Designs, Schematics, Patterns, and Plans (See
Depending on your run speed you can get all the mobs before the first boss in 6 minutes or less. If it takes more than 6 minutes, consider cutting down your route.
This raid has a huge amount of trash that can be farmed. A lot of the items that drop are quite worthless but because of the share amount of mobs, there are decent chances of getting some big-ticket items like the Blade of Wizardry or other rare transmog items, if you spend some time here.
This is a great Cata raid to farm. There is a ton of trash mobs that are easy and fast to kill. Epic BoE drops like Obsidium Cleaver as well as a bunch of Plans and Patterns are quite common. Most are not worth much but they do sell, at least on high pop servers. BoE world drops like Morrie’s Waywalker Wrap can also drop, though very infrequently.
Use Potion of Treasure Finding for more loot.

Open World Gold Farms
Giant Dinosaur Bone
On the Isle of Giants, north in Pandaria. These drop from any mob here. A lot of gold can be made but it is a popular and well-known farm so expect competition.
The Admiral’s Den AKA Saltstone Cave – Thousand Needles
Cave to the south filled with quickly respawning ogres. Lots of transmog drop here with the big-ticket being the Saltstone set.
This farm can be done solo and the mobs will hyperspawn solo if you are fast.

Windshear Mine – Stonetalon Mountains (Alliance Only)
Mobs here will force spawn solo if you are quick, but having a group is better.

Tranquil Gardens Cemetary – Duskwood
This can be done with just one person but works better with more. Kill all the Rotting Horrors around the Tranquil Gardens Cemetary for a chance at the Staff of Horrors.

Feralas – Gordunni Outpost
This farm can be done in a group but works very well solo as well. The area is really small so getting the ogres to hyperspawn is very easy.
The transmog here is not great but you can also get the Sprite Darter Egg. Only kill the ogres outside the cave to start hyperspawning them.

Good transmog farm, especially for Monk. Can also get Tiny Crimson Whelpling here. The farm is on the road east from Greenwarden’s Grove in Wetlands and works best as a monk if you want to force respawns quickly.

Felwood – Felpaw Village
This farm can be done either solo or in a group. A good amount of transmog and a chance for Pattern: Living Leggings.

Eastern Plaguelands – Corin’s Crossing
Can be done solo or in a group. Mostly for the Dark Rune, which doesn’t sell super fast, so farming this location for an hour every once in a while is enough.

Talador – Bladefury’s Command
One of the few good WoD transmog farming spots. WoD transmog tends to sell decently as not many people are farming it, but you should still limit your time farming it. This spot can be done solo or in a group. The main item you are looking for here is the Blackrock Bulwark.

Auctioning For Parts
You’re after all the items to make the Super Cooling Module from Shadowmoon Valley, Nagrand or Talador, and the Cyclical Power Module from Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond or Spires of Arak. Some are worth only a few hundred but I’ve sold a few for over 20k. They drop from any mob in the zone. I haven’t found an optimal spot, but all these zones have plenty of areas with densely packed mobs.
Crashin’ Thrashin’
Crashin’ Thrashin’ Roller Controller, Crashin’ Thrashin’ Cannon Controller, and Crashin’ Thrashin’ Mortar Controller all drop from three rares in Tanaan Jungle with about a 10% drop chance.
Big Red Raygun
Drops of Doctor Weavil on Alcaz Island in Dustwallow Marsh
Doom Lord Kazzak
Spawns in Northern Hellfire Penninsula. Works best if you have a char you can log out here and relog every so often to check. Drops a selection of epic BOE’s like Hope Ender.

Spawns outside the Black Temple. Works best if you have a char you can log out here and relog every so often to check. Drops a selection of epic BOE’s.

Silithus – Twilight Base Camp
One of the most popular transmog farms in the game. Sets like Glorious, Jade and Vanguard drop here. Works best in a group

Isle of Thunder
One of the very few worthwhile farms in MoP. Various transmog drop here like the Bloodtusk Shoulderpads. Works best in a group

Un’goro Crater
Stone Guardians in the cave to the north. Drops a lot of transmog, most notably the Jade set. Works best in a group

Burning Steppes
There are four clusters of mobs here. Three in front of the building and one behind the hill. One player needs to stay behind the hill and kill. A lot of cloth and transmog drop here. Chan’s Imperial Robes can also drop here. Works best in a group

The Barrens – Northwatch Hold
Good farm if you can get a group together. A lot of Jade transmog and other gear.

There are three spots that can be farmed in Winterspring. All drop the Jade set along with the Azure Whelpling, and the oozes at the hot spring can also drop the Disgusting Oozeling.

Stranglethorn Vale
STV is a good place to farm both pets (Hyacinth Macaw & Razzashi Hatchling) and transmog like the First Mate Hat. There are several places to farm here but the best ones seem to be the elemental island and the troll ruins to the north.

Hellfire Peninsula – Throne of Kil’Jaeden – Primal Fire
This farm is good for getting a ton of Primal Fire. Kill all the demon in the area. Every once in awhile, Kazzak will spawn and you will get some epics as well.

Zangarmarsh – Primal Life
Kill the mobs in the area marked on the map, in southwestern Zangarmarsh. If you have a 5 man group you will get a ton of Primal Life.

Netherstorm – Primal Mana
Kill mobs around Kirin’Var Village in southern Netherstorm. Can be done solo, but is best in a group.

Shadowmoon Valley – Primal Air
Kill all the mobs on the edges on the map below. Mostly Primal Air but also good for patterns and transmog. Works best in a group

Twilight Highlands – Volatile Water
Farm water elementals for Volatile Water and some transmog. Works best with 5 druids. Use Potion of Treasure Finding for more loot.

Twilight Highlands – Volatile Fire
Remember Potion of Treasure Finding for more loot.

Cataclysm Rares
There’s a selection of Cata rares that drop various BoE items. Poseidus also drops the Reins of Poseidus BoE Mount.
Mists of Pandaria Rares
Mists of Pandaria has a few rare mobs that drop epic BoE’s. Most are in Krasarang Wilds and most drop leg slot gear.
Scritch is also very good as you can get the Hozen Peace Pipe from him. The best way to farm them is to occasionally check if they’re up and kill them all in the order listed below.
That way you basically just fly through Krasarang Wilds with a short visit to Townlong Steppes, The Jade Forest, and Kun-Lai Summit
Scritch – Kah’tir – Torik-Ethis – Cournith Waterstrider – Go-Kan – Ruun Ghostpaw – Spriggin – Arness the Scale – Gaarn the Toxic – Qu’nas – Sarnak
Class Specific / Class Trial Farms
These farms are class-specific but can be done with class trials. You can only play a class trial for three hours, so before you have to remember to mail any gold or items before that. When your three hours have gone, simply make a new character.
Many of these farms are very good if you can park a character at the farm, login, farm a while, then come back and farm more at a later time.
Warlock Gold Farms
Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion
Kill rares with a Warlock on the Isle of Thunder for a chance at the Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion. Works best if you can park a Warlock here and log in every few hours or so.
Rogue Gold Farms
Decahedral Dwarven Dice
Pickpocketed from mobs in New Hearthglen in Dragonblight and also some mobs in Icecrown. New Heartglen is best for farming though.

Worn Troll Dice
Pickpocket mobs in Skorn in Howling Fjord.

Loaded Gnomish Dice
Pickpocket from mobs at Maker’s Ascent in Uldum.

Mage Gold Farms
Tome of Polymorph: Porcupine
From Porcupine around Dawn’s Blossom in Jade Forest.

Tome of Polymorph: Polar Bear Cub
From bears around Agmar’s Hammer in Dragonblight.

Tome of Polymorph: Monkey
From monkeys in Valley of the Four Winds

Other Gold Making Methods
Alt Parking
Alt parking is a good passive way of making gold. It can be done with normal alts or with class trial characters.
This guide already has a few farming spots where you can park your alt, but I’m going to list a few here also.
- Rare mobs like Doom Lord Kazzak & Doomwalker
- Areas with chests (see below for more info)
- At Vendors with limited supply items (see below from more info)
Chest Farming
Chest farming involves flying around and picking up chests. You will have to get the gathermate and gathermate data addons so that you can import all the treasure chest locations into your gathermate.

Importing will allow you to see all the chests on the map. The best way to farm the chests is by using an Outlaw Rogue since they can see whether a chest is spawned or not on the minimap. Other classes will have to get up close and look around while a Rogue can see if the chest has spawned on the minimap. You can use a trial character for this. Just remember to mail the items you get before your three hours have gone.

You will need to cover very large areas in order to get a few chests as they are quite rare. Vanilla, TBC and WotLK zones work best. The way I like to do it is to park one Rogue class trial in Outland and one in Northrend, then fly over the whole continent and look for chests. One whole run might only yield 3-10 chests but you will still make a bunch of gold as you are almost guaranteed rares in chests in these zones.
Vendor Reselling
Items you buy from vendors can be resold on the auction house for a profit.
The most common way of making gold this way is finding either vendors with limited supply items that you can only buy a set amount of a particular item from and then you have to wait a while before someone can buy more, or buy items from vendors located in locations that are far off.
There are also vendors that will sell items for other currencies than gold. One more important thing to note is that you can sell very common easily available items on the AH as well. Like crafting materials from profession supply vendors that only cost a few copper or silver that can be resold on the AH for gold, and they actually have a decent sale rate.

A list of vendors withl imited supply items can be found here.
Farming and Selling Battle Pets for Gold
There are two main ways of making gold from battle pets. Farming and selling and pet arbitrage.
Battle Pet Farming
I will only list which battle pets can be worth farming. Some of them are also listed in the Open World Farming locations further up in the guide if they are really good or if they are part of a farm that also yields transmog.
Energized Manafiend – Empowered Manafiend – Empyreal Manafiend – Rares in uninstanced Highmaul
Half-Empty Food Container / Filthling – Quivering Filth in Isle of Thunder
Disgusting Oozeling / Azure Whelpling – See farming section above for more info.
Hyacinth Macaw / Razzashi Hatchling – See farming section above for more info.
Sprite Darter – See farming section above for more info.
Bronze Whelpling / Time-Locked Box – Can be done as 5 man farm in Okril’Ion Hold in Northern Blasted Lands
Disgusting Oozeling / Black Tabby Cat – In Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills. Can be done as 5 man farm.
Dark Whelpling – See farming section above for more info.
Crimson Whelpling – See farming section above for more info.
Servant of Demidos – From Demidos in Shadowmoon Valley
Zomstrok – from mobs on the Forgotten Shore in Shadowmoon Valley
Ruby Droplet – from the Timeless Isle
Pet Arbitrage
This is a great way of making gold. Basically, you are buying a pet on one server, learning it, logging on another server and selling it there. This is possible since battle pets are account-wide.
Go to to compare the prices of different servers. I’ve done this a lot, and I’ve bought pets for a few hundred gold on a server, transferred it to my main server, and sold for 10k gold and more. You also need to buy cheap pets on your main server to transfer to other servers so that you can build up a bit of gold on other servers so that you can buy pets.
Auction House / Flipping / Investing
I won’t go too much into detail on how to set up TSM as there is a lot of info out there on that. In the future, I will post a video here with my setup. SamadanPlaysWoW has a great playlist of videos on how to set up TSM.
Flipping items on the AH is one of the ways to make major amounts of gold in WoW. The more you have to spend on flipping, the more you can make, so to start flipping you will need a bit of starting capital.
There really isn’t any trick I can teach you or items I can tell you about to make money flipping. Flipping is a lot of work and you have to know your market. Every item in WoW fluctuates in prices so that you can buy it when it’s cheap and sell when it’s high.
The Undermine Journal has a really good tool called deals that you can use to find items that are priced low on your server that you can flip, so definitely check that out.
Another easy way to flip is by using the sniping feature in TSM. It will automatically search for deals. Be sure to have a look at the market price for your server though as many items that show up in the scan are not always as good a deal as they first look like.
Track Prices
Tracking prices is also another important aspect of flipping items for gold. You can either track prices by inspecting items with TSM, using The Undermine Journal or by making an excel spreadsheet yourself of a few key items that you want to keep track of.
As an example, I know that prices for Goblin Glider Kits fluctuate a lot. I used to sell mine for around 30-40 gold each about 2 months ago, but recently the market was flooded with them so the price is down to under 10g each on my server. By experience I am pretty certain that the prices will go up again, so right now I am hoarding them on one alt, both by making them myself and by buying them on the AH when they are really cheap. As soon as the price goes back over 20g I will start unloading them for a profit.
Cancel Scan
If you are one of the many people that can’t sell transmog, chances are you aren’t running cancel scans. Selling transmog is still really slow and you should have hundreds or thousands of different items for sale on the AH in order to sell just a few a day.
A cancel scan in TSM will check and see if you have been undercut on an item and then cancel it so that you can repost it. If you have been undercut, especially on transmog, you won’t sell your item most likely. I usually run a cancel scan once a day, but you can do more if you want.
Some people prefer to set your auctions to 12 hours instead, and then repost everything more often.
Resetting Prices
Resetting prices is another concept you should know about when working the AH, especially on low pop servers.
The idea is pretty simple. If there are not other players selling a particular item, you can set the price yourself. If you suddenly see a price increase or decrease for a particular item, then someone has probably reset it.
If you have a lot of gold and knowledge of your market you can also buy up every single auction of a particular item, and then reset the price and hopefully make a profit.
Vendor Scan & Disenchant Scan
These are two other features in TSM that you can use to make some extra gold. It will search the AH for either item that you can vendor or items that you can disenchant for a profit.
Professions for Gold Making
There really isn’t one profession that is the best for gold making, it all depends on your playstyle. If you are really serious about making gold, you want to have almost all professions maxed across many toons.
The easiest way to make gold with professions though is picking gathering professions. I would suggest having a character (Druid) with herbalism and mining, and one with skinning at least.
Professions for farming Dungeons & Raids
For your transmog farming toon, you can choose between tailoring, enchanting and engineering.
Tailoring gives you Cloth Scavenging which will give you more cloth. Enchanting is for disenchanting BoPs and other items. Engineering is for the Loot-a-Rang if you like using that when farming. Personally, I have tailoring and enchanting.
Gathering Professions
If you want easy fast gold though, then gathering professions (mining & herbalism) are good choices.
You will mostly be running current content zones and gathering whatever you find.
A lot of people ask about good routes to farm when doing these professions, but there really are no special routes to run.
The best way to go about it is to get the Gathermate2 and Gathermate 2 data addons and import all the nodes, you can then make your own routes and adapt as you go.
Having a Sky Golem or being a Druid is a big time saver and will enable you to make more gold per hour.
Herbalism Gold Farming
As of right now, gathering in Dragonflight zones is the most profitable way to make gold with Herbalism.
To find out what herbs to pick, head over to the Auction House and see what herbs are the most expensive
Mining Gold Farming
Like with herbalism the best way to find what ores are the best to farm, head over to the Auction House and find out which ore has the highest price at any given moment, then go farm that.
Khorium Farm
Khorium is best farmed by a group of up to 10 people in Nagrand. Only 10 people can farm a resource before it disappears, so no more than 10. Simply go around farming ore in Nagrand in a raid group, when a Khorium Ore spawns, alert the group so that everyone can harvest it.
Skinning for Gold
Skinning has been one of the best ways of making gold in Dragonflight so far.
Nether Dragonscale & Wind Scales Farm
From Nether Drakes and Serpentwing Serpent in Blade’s Edge Mountains.

Warbear Leather Farm
From Tainted Black Bears in the Blasted Lands.

Cobra Scales Farm
From Twilight Serpents in Nagrand.

Thick Clefthoof Leather
From Clefthoofs in Nagrand (all over the zone).
Fishing for Gold
Fishing can also be a very good way of making gold, especially when paired with cooking. It can also be done semi-AFK, so you can make gold while watching a movie or doing something else.
See my Shadowlands Semi AFK Fishing video for my fishing setup.
Like with gathering professions, head over to the Auction House to see what fish are getting the best prices and go fish in the appropriate Dragonflight zone.
Dark Herring
The Dark Herring can be fished in the pools of water in Howling Fjord. It can be extremely expensive on some servers.

Crafting Professions
Concerning crafting professions I will keep it as short as possible. All you need to know to make a profit with any crafting profession is how to use TSM.
There are basically three screens in the TSM crafting UI that you need to know your way around to make gold.
The first one is this. I’ve circled all the important bits.

- Profit and Sell Rate: This area shows you how profitable an item is and also how often it sells. The higher the number, the better.
- Craft: The area in the bottom left will let you craft or queue and item. Add a list of items you want to craft and the total profit will show up in the bottom right area.
- Crating Queue: This is all the items that you have put in the queue. I usually craft any item that is profitable and will keep a set amount on the AH at all times.
- Total Cost and Profit: The area at the bottom right will show you the total cost if you want to buy all the materials and the total profit.

Next up is the gathering window. This window shows you all the items you need to craft everything in your queue. When you have everything, you can go back to the first window and craft the queue. Click open task list to open a small window showing everything you need.

Lastly there is the Crafting Reports page which is good for tracking how many of each item you already have on the AH. For transmog having more than 2 at any given time is not worth it, unless it’s a very popular item.
Below is a list of a few items of note that are good for making gold. Most of the time you should just use TSM to find what is profitable, but I felt like the items below needed a mention here as well. The list is a work in progress and more will be added later.
- Transmog – Buy all the reasonably priced patterns for your profession and use the TSM window to see the profit and sell rate of the different items, then craft the ones with decent rates.
- Goblin Glider Kit – These are very popular, and the price fluctuates a lot. Non-engineers can even make them through the Engineering Works in your WoD Garrison.
- Sky Golem – Very profitable mount as you can only make one every 30 days. Consider making this on more than one alt.
WoW Gold Guide Summary
This WoW gold guide is a constant work in progress and will be updated as time goes on. All suggestions or questions are much appreciated, so leave a comment below.
brings you back doesnt it
Wow, that’s was a lot of detail. Well done!
Thank you! Hope you find it useful!
You mention that the Sky Golem works with ore as well as herbs, but that’s not the case. Sky Golem only works on herbs.
waiting a time in auction house nobdoy want to buy 🙁
Killer guide, reddit being down really has me appreciating sites like these.